We deliver measurable value

Are you looking for highly efficient tax consulting? You’ve discovered the right place – and the right person. Marco Leonetti is also highly experienced in the field of tax disputes. His long and varied track record speaks for itself – and he’ll be pleased to tell you more if you would like to drop him a line.
Tax consultancy is just the beginning, however. HRIT also adds long-term value by minimizing the effects of HR structure, pay packages, and social security options on labor costs.

Our tax consulting and compliance services

Employee taxation (benefits, stock option plans and RSUs)

Estate planning and reorganization of family wealth

Donations and inheritances

Taxation of real estate, artistic and financial assets

Company taxation (income taxes, VAT, indirect taxes)

International tax planning

Preparing and arguing appeals before tax commissions nationwide

Income tax for both individuals and legal entities (corporate income tax returns, IRES – corporate income tax, IRAP – Regional Business Tax)

VAT (periodic obligations, communications, specific regulations)

Tax and social security obligations associated with human resources (Form 770 – withholding agent declaration, Form W2 – CU, Form 730 – simplified tax return

Tax refunds

We also help you to smoothly navigate the ever-shifting landscape of administrative, accounting and tax obligations. In doing so, we guarantee that your organization remain fully compliant at all times.

Looking for tax expertise?


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